Insect Services –
Test laboratory for ticks, mites and insects
Product testing –
Efficient and application-oriented!
Breeding –
Many pest species of high quality
Intensive scientific exchange and good cooperation
Insect Services
Insect Services is your specialist for ticks, mites and insects. We test the biological effectiveness of repellents, attractants or insecticides according to the latest scientific standards. In our new rooms, we conduct application-oriented tests in the so-called Peet Grady chamber. A wide-ranging portfolio of efficient test methods makes it possible to document the required efficacy of your product for a successful registration (e.g. as biocidal product, PT 18/PT 19). This is supported by standardized breeding of ticks and insects of the highest quality. We work strictly according to national and international guidelines, but also develop innovative test methods ourselves where necessary. Our aim is to combine efficiency and precision in order to always provide the customer with the optimal outcome.

Pediculus humanus humanus
(body louse)
We established the first commercial breeding colony of body lice (Pediculus humanus humanus) in Europe. This allows us now to test insecticides and repellents against head lice on a regular basis in the laboratory.
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Hyalomma marginatum
(Mediterranean bont-legged tick)
For detailed information on the tick species Hyalomma marginatum, also called “giant tick” in the press, please click here Hyalomma. Places of findings of this tick can be reported to the University of Hohenheim.
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Cimex lectularius
(Bed bug)
Despite modern hygiene measures, bed bugs have become a problem of increasingly importance in the last years. We test and validate innovative control methods.
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Our test protocols are based on the requirements of the current EU directive which is being revised by the responsible authorities at the moment. We accompany the updating of the directive and are in an active exchange with the authorities.
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